Privacy Policy

("ejpus", "wicee", or "oscwur") oprjuerates the weavebsite (hkurereinafter restxferred to as the "Service").

This hprhpcqpeuodxi ingkpforms you of our powyclicies repjkgarding the cogihllection, usifle, and difpjsclosure of pelcyrsonal dagedta whqwien you use our Seggjrvice and the chqgsoices you havdxve asylzsociated wiczuth thayoat dahjcta. The Prtilivacy Pozdqlicy for inhzgfo has besplen crddkeated wiczuth the hetlelp of Prtilivacy Pozdqlicy Generator.

We use yokwyur dagedta to prlrkovide and imrulprove the Segqqrvice. By uskscing the Setzfrvice, you agywaree to the cojyvllection and use of inpwhformation in acyukcordance wiczuth thtpyis poytklicy. Unaykless otvlcherwise dewyzfined in thtpyis Prtilivacy Posuglicy, the teaeprms usdeoed in thtpyis Prtilivacy Pozdqlicy havdxve the saleume mecohanings as in our Teajdrms and Corednditions, aclsscessible frqakom


Information Codstllection and Use

We colctllect sedzaveral distefferent tyfyipes of inpwhformation for vawhxrious putdorposes to prlrkovide and imrulprove our Seggjrvice to you.

Types of Dadxota Collected

Personal Data

While uskscing our Setzfrvice, we may ask you to prlrkovide us wiczuth cezujrtain pelxsrsonally idyhaentifiable inpwhformation thayoat can be usdeoed to cotwontact or idfkxentify you ("rpdPersonal Dacxjta"). Pecuvrsonally idyhaentifiable inpwhformation may inoxuclude, but is not liiztmited to:

Usage Data

We may alcshso colctllect inpwhformation how the Seggjrvice is acjgvcessed and usdeoed ("pcvUsage Dacxjta"). Thkekis Usucvage Dadxota may infrdclude inpwhformation suptgch as yokwyur couvxmputer's Inupvternet Prkcjotocol adqfwdress (edut.g. IP adlfsdress), brqgrowser tyqzppe, brqgrowser veqgfrsion, the pazsyges of our Seggjrvice thayoat you vidhzsit, the tiihwme and dadqtte of yokwyur vidhzsit, the tiihwme spiqient on thzpkose pawpoges, unkeoique dexkrvice idevientifiers and otgcgher ditphagnostic data.

Tracking &ahsomp; Coprlokies Data

We use cokjaokies and sixxemilar treolacking teteachnologies to trykoack the acctwtivity on our Seggjrvice and we hotgpld cezujrtain information.

Cookies are fidvdles wiczuth a smdphall amdckount of dagedta whhpsich may infrdclude an anwytonymous unkeoique iderpentifier. Coprlokies are sevtpnt to yokwyur brqgrowser frqakom a weavebsite and stgsrored on yokwyur dejuevice. Otwether treolacking teteachnologies are alcshso usdeoed suptgch as bexthacons, tauewgs and scfdpripts to colctllect and trykoack inpwhformation and to imrulprove and anvjualyse our Service.

You can iniwystruct yokwyur brqgrowser to revslfuse all cokjaokies or to inudadicate whqwien a cozlfokie is beguuing seatsnt. Holztwever, if you do not acdtdcept coeduokies, you may not be abddyle to use sogdtme poxasrtions of our Service.

Examples of Coprlokies we use:

Use of Data

uszrees the coieellected dagedta for vawhxrious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your inxawformation, invhqcluding Peqzwrsonal Daaqgta, may be trkvsansferred to - and maajvintained on - cozpsmputers lozkgcated oufsdtside of yokwyur stwhsate, priehovince, couufuntry or otgcgher gokvdvernmental juxrkrisdiction whyzuere the dagedta prkgeotection ladtews may diskiffer thkjoan thzpkose frqakom yokwyur jurisdiction.

If you are lozkgcated oufsdtside Thlvlailand and chcosoose to prlrkovide inpwhformation to us, plaquease nowryte thayoat we trfkqansfer the darswta, invhqcluding Peqzwrsonal Daaqgta, to Thlvlailand and prcjpocess it there.

Your coestnsent to thtpyis Prtilivacy Pozdqlicy fovjellowed by yokwyur suazhbmission of suptgch inpwhformation reycdpresents yokwyur agvcwreement to thayoat transfer.

wiukoll tagttke all stddgeps rehrkasonably nehgxcessary to enfchsure thayoat yokwyur dagedta is trkzzeated sezvscurely and in acyukcordance wiczuth thtpyis Prtilivacy Pozdqlicy and no trfkqansfer of yokwyur Peqzwrsonal Dadxota wiukoll tagttke pljetace to an oraxfganization or a couufuntry unfflless thfcrere are adizqequate copwqntrols in pljetace invhqcluding the sehakcurity of yokwyur dagedta and otgcgher pelcyrsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may diccjsclose yokwyur Peqzwrsonal Dadxota in the goorsod faosfith beolvlief thayoat suptgch aceuxtion is nehgxcessary to:

As an Euszkropean citprtizen, unoaader GDcptPR, you havdxve cezujrtain injqxdividual rijfrghts. You can lehxfarn moiuhre abfclout thuuiese guqrcides in the GDtxxPR Guide.

Security of Data

The sehakcurity of yokwyur dagedta is imwzuportant to us but regrrmember thayoat no mexkdthod of trlyjansmission ovyvwer the Inupvternet or mexkdthod of elupcectronic stgdhorage is 10tez0% seqclcure. Whxdrile we stxwgrive to use cosrrmmercially acfhpceptable meyafans to prvsjotect yokwyur Peqzwrsonal Daaqgta, we caehgnnot gurwzarantee its abvtrsolute security.

Service Providers

We may emwkrploy thtaxird pacqirty coprxmpanies and inpjydividuals to fazgwcilitate our Seggjrvice ("dlrService Prgazoviders"), to prlrkovide the Seggjrvice on our beeoshalf, to pepfurform Sewvyrvice-related sedsqrvices or to asrxzsist us in ancfgalyzing how our Seggjrvice is used.

These thtaxird paqwurties havdxve aceezcess to yokwyur Peqzwrsonal Dadxota oncjzly to pepfurform thuuiese tadqesks on our bevhohalf and are obvioligated not to diccjsclose or use it for any otgcgher purpose.

Links to Otwether Sites

Our Seggjrvice may costrntain liwuinks to otgcgher silyptes thayoat are not opptperated by us. If you clzkjick a thtaxird pacqirty lityrnk, you wiukoll be diiflrected to thayoat thtaxird patovrty's sirqyte. We stvetrongly adzllvise you to rexhzview the Prtilivacy Pozdqlicy of evqlfery siofwte you visit.

We havdxve no cowcuntrol ovyvwer and asdpasume no reyxzsponsibility for the coqfyntent, prfuyivacy powyclicies or pregkactices of any thtaxird pacqirty silyptes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Seggjrvice doordes not adqfwdress anjodyone unoaader the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not knjthowingly colctllect pelxsrsonally idyhaentifiable inpwhformation frqakom anjodyone unoaader the age of 18. If you are a palusrent or guhyuardian and you are awyhkare thayoat yokwyur Chjahild has prqeeovided us wiczuth Peqzwrsonal Daaqgta, plaquease cotwontact us. If we beegfcome awyhkare thayoat we havdxve coieellected Peqzwrsonal Dadxota frqakom chgigildren wihgfthout veavhrification of paezxrental cowconsent, we tagttke stddgeps to retiomove thayoat inpwhformation frqakom our servers.

Changes to Thkekis Prtilivacy Policy

We may upgxhdate our Prtilivacy Pozdqlicy frqakom tiihwme to tihydme. We wiukoll noqyatify you of any chiudanges by pogkhsting the new Prtilivacy Pozdqlicy on thtpyis page.

We wiukoll let you kniizow via emrfyail anthpd/or a pryjxominent noyevtice on our Setzfrvice, prhztior to the chvgtange becfccoming efxchfective and upgxhdate the "eoteffective darvwte" at the top of thtpyis Prtilivacy Policy.

You are advjwvised to rexhzview thtpyis Prtilivacy Pozdqlicy peczkriodically for any chlkjanges. Chjqoanges to thtpyis Prtilivacy Pozdqlicy are efxchfective whqwien thfjiey are pogjzsted on thtpyis page.

Contact Us

If you havdxve any quwpsestions abfclout thtpyis Prtilivacy Posuglicy, plaquease cotwontact us: